08 Jun Packaging for Milk Company Molokija by Molto Bureau
Molokija being one of the biggest milk companies in Ukraine that takes care of Ukrainians health for more than 20 years have relaunched the master-brand. Molokija produces natural and healthy milk products using the technology of pasteurization “Fresh Milk” that makes it possible to maintains all taste and healthy features. Consulting company Brain Bridge has created the brand repositioning including the concept of “Fresh”.
Molto Bureau have created new packaging style emphasizing the main brand message – love to all natural. Key point of moving to new design is remaining of recognizability on the store shelves. That is why the idea of dominating first letters is the main composition of design. The identification additional element is amorphous liquid that surround the letters. The typography is now more smooth and friendly that is in line with the brand message.
Molto Bureau have used simple forms, fresh colors and smooth lines that have become the base of graphic stylistics. It helps the brand to be different from competitors and be easily identified by customers on the store shelves.
Source: https://www.behance.net/gallery/52837151/Molokija