"Personal identity and self promotion consisting of a simple, structured logo and various design assets. The logo was constructed using my initials, focusing primarily on the letter S combined with...
"When I developed my promotional campaign for a couple of design studios that I have always admired, I realised that it's not enough to get someone's attention by talking in...
"For this project I had to design an identity for me as a designer. The project included a name, logo, business card, letterhead, quotation form, fax form, data sheet, poster,...
Creating an identity for myself was one of my most challenging projects. This project required me to create an identity that would tell about me as a person, me as...
"Do something great. People will talk." This is what we tell our clients. Listen, respond and connect to/with people in ways that reward them for their time, interest and intelligence....
Here is a really cool self-branding by Abbas Mushtaq, a young graphic designer from Leeds. "Quick turn-around project to rebrand myself in 3 days and producing business cards, letterheards and all...